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医療安全管理 組織と体制







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病院では事故が起きないよう最善の努力をしておりますが、万が一のことも想定しておかなければなりません。事故が発生した場合は、医療安全報告システムにより速やかに情報の収集・分析を行い、医療事故予防策・再発防止策の立案、実施、評価および見直しを行ないます。有害事象が発生した場合や重大事故発生時などは、事故対策本部を設置し事情を調べ、医療安全管理者が窓口となる役割も担っています。 当院は、事実経過や原因の調査に全力を尽くします。また、その結果については、患者様やご家族に誠意をもってお話していく考えです。

Medical Safety Management Room

Medical Safety is an important subject related to the quality of medical service. It is important to think out what will be needed to provide our patients with safe medical service, conduct proper solutions, and construct certain medical safety system. The department of medical safety in our hospital undertake this function. Our hospital has a team and team leader of medical safety, and we provide safe and high-quality medical service. Our team of medical safety engage in the following activities.

System of Medical Safety Management

Our system of medical safety management is made up of the medical safety management committee which control our whole medical safety, the safety manage conference whose members are safety managers of each department, and medical safety management room. Having communication with people who manage medicines or medical instruments, the infection control committee and other committees, we try to make the quality of our medical safety much higher.

Incident/Accident Report

We have an exact reporting rule to report, react, and research the accident immediately in the case it occurs. This rule is valid for incident, which is not so much dangerous as same as accident. Depending on these reports, we try to review our process or system, and prevent the accident.

Main Roles of Medical Safety Management Room

Preparing Medical Safety Management System to Provide Our Patients with Safe Medical Service

What medical safety management room do is preparing our “Medical Safety Management Manual” and supporting each committee. Also, we set up patient consulting section, to listen to our patients’ voice, and teaching how to practice proper medical service. Moreover, we order each department to have a safety manager and make them report every accidents. Depending on these reports, we think out what the best solution is for much safer medical service. Please ask our staff if you want to see our “Medical Safety Management Manual”.

Approach to Each Staff

Medical service is not conducted with doctors and nurses only, but also Pharmacists, technicians of each department (such as clinical laboratory, radiology, clinical engineering), rehabilitation staff, registered dietitian and other experts of various sections. It is difficult to maintain the level of medical safety management because the potential of each staff is different, and staff members are not always unchanged. Medical safety manager keeps an eye on staffs and the entire departments and make them keep our rules of medical safety.

Proper Reaction for Actual Accidents

We try our best every day not to have any medical accidents, but we have to prepare for the case of accident we might have unfortunately. When an accident happens, medical safety manager analyzes the issue, thinks out what the best solution is and review our manual to prevent the same situation. If the accident could be so serious, we set up medical accident headquarters, which research the accident completely, and medical safety manager has a role to contact with all the people concerned. Our hospital try our best to research what happened or what caused the accident, and the medical safety manager explains every report to all the people concerned thoroughly.
